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The Genealogy of Robert and Christina Barritt

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I48164)
2  CLIFTON, Elmina Parlee (I26137)
3  BURLESON, Truman Becton (I26125)
4  KIEFER, Maria Barbara (I17303)
5 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I10580)
6 "Bert Cragg lived and worked in Dimmit County all of his life. He started out farming and delivering ice. Later he went to work for Central Power and Light. He worked for that firm for 35 years. For much of that time he lived in Asherton, running the Asherton substation for CP&L. The Bert Craggs were members of the First Baptist Church of Carrizo Springs." CRAGG, Jessee Bertran (I1240)
7 "Died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mary Curlee, in Tamaroa, Illinois on Monday June 24, 1901, Deacon John Robert Burlison in his 80th year. Uncle John was born in Posey County Indiana on January 26, 1822; went to Pocahontas, Randolph County, Arkansas when he attained his manhood, and was married there on June 10, 1842 to Amanda Jane Martin, and came to Illinois in 1845, locating on a farm near Campbell Hill, the farm being known as the widow Hart place, northwest of town about three miles. From there he moved to Franklin County for a short time, and about 40 years ago, he located near Tamaroa, where about nine years ago his wife died. Since then he had made his home with his children, principally with Mrs. Curlee. He left five children surviving him: Aaron Burlison of Cutler, Illinois; Mrs. Minerva Summers of Akin, Illinois; Alonzo Burlison, Mrs. Mary Curlee and Mrs. Margaret Riead, all of Tamaroa.

"Uncle John joined the Baptist church at Georgetown (near Steelville, Illinois) sometime between 1845 and 1850, and in April 1850, he, with eight others, went into the organization of a church at Looney Springs (near Campbell Hill) which was the first free Baptist church organized in Southern Illinois by Rev. Henry S. Gordon, and was the bone of contention over which the split occurred on the communion question and laid the foundation for the free Baptist denomination in Southern Illinois. Of this church he was made the first deacon and continued to hold office here and at Tamaroa until his death. He was baptized by Rev. Henry S. Gordon and was true to his church and his God all these years, and we might be excused for saying that he lived one of the most straightforward, exemplary, upright, consistent, Christian lives we almost ever knew; kind hearted, sympathetic, hospitable and true. May all we who knew his virtues strive to emulate all they saw good in him, and may his mantle fall on some one of his boys. The funeral was preached by this writer, who was acquainted with him from almost his first recollection, at least for much more than 50 years, at the Free Baptist church in Tamaroa assisted by Rev. Morris and Smith, to quite a concourse of people especially elderly folks, and we laid him to rest in the cemetery just north of town, there to wait the Great Resurrection morn." (author unknown) 
BURLISON, John Robert (I6552)
8 "In 1866 Tillman Berry was the mail carrier between Frio County and San Antonio. On a stop in Atascosa County the creeks and rivers were flooded because of the hard rains, so he was asked to stay until the water went down, yet he was sure there woul be no trouble this time. He drowned while crossing Atascosa Creek. He is buried in Atascosa County." BERRY, Tillman (I1297)
9 "Joseph lived all his life in Carrizo Springs. He was a founder and charter member of the Carrizo Springs Volunteer Fire Department. He served as Post Commander for the American Legion. Joseph worked for the Texas Highway Department for 26 years. He retired in 1959." CRAGG, Joseph Aaron (I1274)
10 "Minerva Moore Riead was born in Allen County KY on Feb 20, 1819, was married to John Riead at the age of 21 and she professed faith in Christ and was converted about that same year, and united with the Missionary Baptist church at Lively Grove, Washington County IL. She remained a faithful member until the Free Baptist Church was organized in her neighborhood by brother J. C. Gilland when she became a member of this church, as she was 9 miles away from the first church. The family later moved to Perry County IL and sister Riead and her husband moved their membership to the Moore School House, known now as Red Brush, and from this place of worship, they organized and built the church house now known as Bethany Church. She remained a faithful member of this church until some years ago when she left that neighborhood and then became a member of the Free Baptist Church in Tamaroa, and remained a faithful member of that church until God called her to join The Happy Ones around the Throne of God. She bid farewell to her friends and dear children on Feb 13, 1902, her age was 83 years, lacking a few days. She leaves to mourn their loss, five children; three girls and two boys, together with a host of friends. Jesus while our hearts are bleeding over the spoils that death has won, we would at this solemn meeting, calmly say ‘Thy will be done.' By Rev. M. Fox" MOORE, Minerva (I45325)
11 "Sally had lived in Carmel Meadows and Monterey (The Park Lane) since 1966. After graduation from Saltsburg High School and Indiana State College (PA), she taught for two years. She then married Howard K. Onstott, and they took up residence in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Her husband's Bell System assignments meant moves to San Marino, CA; Seattle, WA and Short Hills, NJ. Sally was a member of the PEO Chapter PG, The Corral de Tierra Country Club, the DAR and the Carmel and Monterey Presbyterian Churches.” RHEA, Sara Shields (I51169)
12 #11 Road BENSON, Mary Cornelia (I57367)
13 #11 Road SMITH, Alden (I57366)
14 #11 Road SMITH, Doris Inez (I57365)
15 #9 Jefferson St., Sunset Park BOSTIC, Charles Manning (I56947)
16 (70 yrs) CRAKER, Robert Hawkins (I28299)
17 (70 yrs) TUMLINSON, Mary E. (I28298)
18 (82 yrs) TUMLINSON, Mary E. (I28298)
19 (a roomer) TUMLINSON, Ward Webster (I784)
20 (about 74 yrs) CRAKER, Robert Hawkins (I28299)
21 (application date) Family: Melvin Lafayette VIVION / Margaret Sterling KIMBALL (F2521)
22 (application date) Family: Charles William FITZPATRICK / Alta Isola TUMLINSON (F37503)
23 (assumed) TUMLINSON (I27263)
24 (assumed) (WATTS), Florence Madge (I9752)
25 (boarder) TSCHIEDEL, Frank F. (I3979)
26 (enumerated as George L. BELL) SPECKLES, George Lafayette (I3661)
27 (enumerated as Jennie) ENGLISH, Jimmie (I1996)
28 (enumerated as Joanna Ernst) BREY, Johanna (I12587)
29 (enumerated as Mary L. Edge) SHORT, Emily Lee (I27328)
30 (enumerated as Sarah E. BELL) SPECKELS, Sallie Ellen (I3665)
31 (enumerated as Thomas T. Bohannan) BOHANNAN, Henry T. (I30207)
32 (formerly of Uvalde) ALEXANDER, Robert Buford Jr. (I26528)
33 (general delivery) KAINER, Martha Marie Magdalene (I3899)
34 (German: Tscherwenka; now Crvenka, Serbia) GUTWEIN, Conrad (I16373)
35 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: Living / Living (F9261)
36 (license date) Family: Ronald Arthur MELANDER / Joann Nancy RICKETTS (F21795)
37 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: Living / Living (F9412)
38 (listed as James) BURLESON, Thomas Jefferson (I7863)
39 (listed as Neal Housour) PRICE, Johnie C. (I26335)
40 (listed with surname Housour) PRICE, Cleo Nelson (I26337)
41 (listed with surname Housour) PRICE, Adelee Elnora (I26336)
42 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: Living / Living (F39567)
43 (presumed - does not seem to appear in the 1866 state census with his mother) SPIER, Muscogee (I11123)
44 (presumed - enumerated in the wrong column?) SPIER, Rebecca T. (I11121)
45 (presumed - father Grant Clutter) CLUTTER, Mary Ann (I30228)
46 (presumed - household of William Pagdet) MANNING, Merena (I50950)
47 (presumed in household of Jonathan Brinson) MANNING, Caroline Merriah Luiza (I2980)
48 (presumed in Thomas Nibbs household) MIMS, Mary (I5547)
49 (presumed – enumerated as a female?) TUMLINSON, Edward (I875)
50 (presumed) BRINSON (I50995)

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